Every year millions of people join together to party, kiss at the stroke of midnight and inevitably make New Years resolutions that will more than likely be broken within the first week or so. Using that new treadmill as a coat hanger? Classic. Did that enormous piece of gooey chocolate cake hogtie you and force itself down your throat? Bye-bye diet.
Why do we do such things year in and year out? I’m sure in some way that could be used as a sign of insanity. So what about this year? Will you endeavor to make yet another resolution?
Several years ago I made the decision not to make personal resolutions…at any time of the year. New Year’s Eve scrooge is what I am. But I had to have some reason to get out of bed each day, right?
So I decided to make a list. If you don’t already know me, this is not something abnormal. I am a list gal. Too scatterbrained to live without it!
On my list I write my goals for each year. *BE REALISTIC* If you don’t have time to spend 4 hours in the gym every day and enjoy eating less than a sparrow, then don’t tell yourself that you want to lose 150lbs in 2012. That’s just asking for trouble!
I like to write personal goals, of which usually have to do with being more organized so my family life can run smoother. Hit the gym a bit more, although the Zumba DVD’s that I got for Christmas are really begging to be opened. And of course learn something new. Knitting, baking, gardening, engine overhaul (yeah right!) or taking up a new sport. Whatever my goal might be, I plan my success.
The same thing goes with my writing. Although I am terrible about planning my books (goal #1) I am fantastic about planning what I want to accomplish. Last year, in August, was my first real step into self publishing. And oh my goodness did I have a lot to learn! I’m still learning. It’s a process.
I managed to publish book 1 of the Rising trilogy, and followed up with book 1 of the Arotas trilogy. Throw in a short Christmas story in December and I’m feeling pretty awesome from my efforts.
Some might look at that and say “wow, that’s amazing. You can sit back and wait for the money to roll in.” Hardly! I didn’t dream of writing ONE book or even three. This is something I want for the rest of my life. So if you love my books, get ready for a busy 2012. If you don’t…yeah I can’t really help you with that one!
My goals for 2012: (widely pliant due to a finicky muse)
· Roseline’s Novella- her life between becoming an Immortal and her escape from Romania .
· Arotas- sequel to Forbidden (rough draft is nearing completion)
· Collide- new teen thriller (in re-write stage)
· Relinquish- sequel to Defiance Rising (dependent on my sister-in-laws schedule once she had two little ones running around her house)
· New book idea- had a dream which turned into a homework assignment for my writers group and it has massive potential. (brainstorming and loving it!)
· And of course write the third installment for the Arotas Trilogy. Don’t ask me anything about it. I don’t know yet!
So these are some huge goals but I know I’m capable of it. 6 books in 12 months? Is that doable? Certainly. The best part is most of them are all in various stages of being written so I’m already ahead of the game. And of course I will be entering Forbidden in this years Amazon competition. Super excited to see how it does.
What are your goals for reaching your dreams in 2012?

Hey Amy, my name is Jannet. Or my Internet identity, jabz. Haha I guess I'm guilty of making a resolution list and not sticking by it. But now it feels like almost I need to do it to survive! Haha I have to start reading again soon. I'm glad I found your blog :) looking forward to your projects! And good luck!
ReplyDeleteHi Jannet! So nice to meet you. Well done with your perseverence with New Year's resolutions. Have you decided on one yet for 2012?
ReplyDeleteAre you a fellow writer, dreamer, reader or all of the above?
I just have one goal: Finish my sequel. Finishing 6 books in one year? No. Couldn't do it. More power to ya.
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky that of the 6 I want to write 4 are already in varying levels of being written. So I can't take credit for 6 completely new ideas starting from scratch. But two of them will be so I'm banking on adjusting time somewhere. At least that's the plan!