I entered the Amazon Novel competition a month ago, with high hopes of course, alongside a women who has become a dear friend to me. We have never met in person, talked on the phone or communicated in any way other than through Facebook. But because of our love for writing, we have become close friends.
This morning I discovered that I did not make it through the first cut of the contest, but to be honest, my very next thought was to check if she did. I was so excited for her success that I nearly forgot about my own book.
Rejection is never easy. If I tried to tell you that I'm not a little bummed you'd have every right to call me a liar. I am bummed. It's natural. But this couldn't have come at a better time for me.
I've got a great prospect that I'm working hard on right now and being out of the running for the Amazon competition means I can devote all of my time to editing my new teen dystopian novel, IGNITE. This book is where my heart truly lies so I am grateful for this opportunity .
Some people say "you win some, you lose some." I don't agree with that. I think you always win...it just depends on how you look at each situation!
Well done, Danielle Bannister, self-pubbed author of PULLED. I can't wait to see how far you go!

Oh honey doll. I love ya darlin! Ignite is going to set the world on fire. Mark my words!