Since today is the day of LOVE, I thought I would give you the opportunity to brag on your special someone.
I would love to hear the story of how you got engaged. The good, the bad and the unfortunate! Everyone has a story, so go ahead, share it!
For my younger readers, please share what you imagine would be the perfect way to be proposed to.
My proposal mishap:
To my husband’s credit, he had an amazing proposal all planned out. What happened to ruin it? ME!
I was visiting my husband in England for 6 months to decide if I wanted to cross the big pond for good. We knew having a long distance relationship (4,000 miles!) was too hard to keep going, so one of us would have to leave everything behind for the other. (I won!)
After a few months of being in England, I had settled into a normal routine. On Saturday’s the house was all mine until my future husband would get off work at noon. This was great at first because I really didn’t feel comfortable around my future in-laws. Imagine living with them for 6 months while you’re only dating their son?!!
This particular morning, I got bored. I’m talking bang my head against the foot thick brick wall kind of bored. So I decided to surprise my husband by meeting him at work.
Now let me explain something to you. Although I knew how to get to his office, I had no real sense of distance. BIG MISTAKE!
Four hours later, with blisters covering every inch of my feet, I hit a roadblock: a roundabout. The biggest darn roundabout I’ve ever seen! For those of you who aren’t familiar with roundabouts, they are large circles in the middle of the road to keep traffic flowing. No STOP SIGNS! Amy gets squished into a pancake kind of crossing!
So, I limp into a nearby pub and call my wonderful savior, who has the good grace to only laugh his head off for a couple of minutes over the phone before he comes to get me. Apparently the distance between his home and office was around 10 miles. Who knew?
Bundled into his car, moaning about my feet, he tells me, rather awkwardly, that he needs to make a stop. In the center of town. Near the jewelry store that we visited only a few weeks before.
Let me tell you, those blisters faded into the background pretty darn quick!
For those of you who know me, I’m pretty observant. Little details are HUGE to me. The bead of perspiration on his brow despite blissful AC pumping through the vents, skin pulled taught over his knuckles as he pulled into the parking lot near the jewelry store, and the waver in his voice when he said to wait in the car.
Oh yeah…I knew what was coming.
So what would you do? Yep…you guessed it. The instant he settled into the car, I pounced. I nagged, whined, begged, and pleaded. I’m not proud of my reaction (snigger) but by the time we got home I had my shiny new ring on my finger, just to make sure it fits, mind you.
Now that I’d seen the ring, the surprise of proposing to me at the base of a waterfall in Scotland was ruined. Bummer! That would have been awesome!
So we headed down south to the coast and my husband proposed to me on the beach. Not at sunset like the movies or on pristine white sandy beaches. No it was the middle of rush hour and amongst the rockiest beach I’ve ever seen.
But I wouldn’t change those memories for the world!
How about you? What’s your story?
Thank you to scottchan for the photo.