For a painter: It's the longing to see brilliant colors splashed across a blank canvas. For a musician: It's the skillfully mastered piece that makes even the angels in heaven smile. For the chef among us: It's the wafting smells that entice our stomachs to take a tiny bite of perfection. For writers: It's the opportunity to sweep your reader into a fantasy world where reality doesn't have to be quite so brutally black and white. We live for that next life changing novel that so beautifully enraptures us that it's painful to say goodbye to your beloved characters.
We writers are unique. We are passionate. We are talented but more than that we have a voice that we are driven to share with the world. Sure most of us will never become a household name...but that's ok. We don't write just for recognition. We write because we must. Because we will burst if we can't pour out our souls onto the page. We have something to say...and that gives us purpose in life.
So what drives you?

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